Well hey everyone!
So Lately Its Been a GRIND really though these last few months I have Been doing my best to talk to all the People we can. Telling everyone. We have seen some real different reactions. And of course we have been very blessed. Now we are here looking over things and hoping that In this week our investigators will decide to receive the Bread of Life, the Atonement, Forgiveness, a new life, a second chance. Christ.
The sun here Sits on top of you. People sometimes thing that out faces our so red because there is something wrong with us. hahaha but no its just the sun.
So principally there were a few cool things this week.
We made a ton of Brownies and Took them around to investigators and Converts. We got some Cool Reactions. :)
Elder Texeira of the 70 and Area Presidency came on a Mission tour. What a powerful Conference we had. He shared some stories and helped us see the Way to the Missions Goal he talked about not putting Goals that don't go inline with our leaders and Gods will. As a mission we are trying to get to the Goal of 100 Baptisms in one month. We high average about 50. ha so we have somethings to change. Started with teaching a bigger pool of people and teaching more lessons per week. The Goal is to teach 21 lessons (focused on our investigators and their progress) every week this week we Got 16 so we will make some more bounds.
Wednesday we had a lesson with The familia Sanhueza. We brought the High Priest Group leader. WHAT A LESSON. The spirit was really strong tears were shed and Hearts were changed We are now teaching Mateo the lessons so that he can Be baptized soon He is Gold. His sisters are going to Canada for a year and the family had decided to work to the goal of Being sealed when they get home. What Joy fills the Soul of to see other souls come unto repentance. If I could have moments like that everyday for the rest of forever I would be to blessed. But its possible at least personally. We should always study the Scriptures with the Spirit especially with a mind of Repentance for all have fallen short of the Glory of God. I know that it takes faith, Through Faith we obey, for LOVE.
Love you guys I Hope everyone has a great week.
Elder Biesinger
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
February 8, 2016
Buenas Buenas A toda la Familia y Amigos que estarán leyendo esta cartita hoy tenemos un Día cálido aquí en Quilpué le temperatura llegando a unos 32 grados en la sombra. Estamos animados por una nueva semana con oportunidades nuevas y éxito en la Obra de Dios.
So it was a pretty good week the first week back to a some normal situation!
A few cool stories real Quick
"you guys don´t believe in Christ"
So we received a reference from a member and went to contact it. The Man came out of the House and was very nice and calm. He came out with a smile we talked for a minute and Got to know him told him that his Neighbor had thought about sharing a message with him and before we could Finish He says "look I don't want to listen to any message because You guys don´t believe in Christ." Ha in that moment we were like really happy we testified hard of the Divinity of Christ Showed him the name of the Church and The Book of Mormon. He was really happy and Surprised. We have a visit Scheduled for today.
That experience made me think a lot because in the World Capacitation for Missionaries they said never let the name of Christ leave your lips. I feel like not just as missionaries is that important. Should we as members go around Hitting our Chest and Singing in the Streets? No. But we should follow the message given in 2 Nephi 25:26 in fact I challenge everyone to read not just that Verse But Page 100 and 101 of the Book of Mormon. If we live our lives Constantly with a reflection of Christ people wont doubt our message.
"you want some Juice?"
The other experience happened last night. We were walking a lot this whole week and trying to talk with all the people we could. Our plans had basically all ran our and we still had like an hour and a half left. We pulled out the Ward list saw a name that seemed like a good Person to go find and started walking. On the way we did some really cool contacts and even found people we had met before even one that my comp had contacted a year ago in another part of the mission and we gave him a Book Of Mormon and we will Probably meet with him and his wife today. As we got to the street I thought I would just Recognize the house being that I had passed by before in interchanges But we just stopped to see if the number was what I thought it was then we looked up and in another window there was a lady there we said hello and she said Hi and Asked how we were my comp said with a little heat. She said "you want some Juice?" We were like yeah. We went in her husband was there we taught them both and they were really cool and receptive and nice. Her brother and sister are members in Santiago and one day went to visit and the Missionaries just happened to be there... She promised that when she saw the missionaries that she would invite them in But she also knew that her husband had to be there so she totally did it. I felt so blessed that a seed planted in Santiago was growing here. Also we felt the confirmation that God wanted us to walk to that street and not really the Person we were looking for. What a blessing.
Anyways I hope you all have a great week Things are great here learning and working. Getting things Going the Familia Sanhueza came to church Yesterday Mateo is getting Close. We are Excited other than that the other families are slow with vacations....
Mucho Amor
Love Elder Biesinger
February 1, 2016
Hey everyone!
So this was a fun week really Crazy for the first time in my mission living four to a house for a whole ten days. We did a lot of trade offs and a lot of studying. We really turned into a family.. There was the Whole Process of Form Storm Norm and Perform. But they are moving back to their sector today.
So that y'all know I still have feeling. I felt a small about 5 or so scale Tremor on Monday ha its such a common feeling now but I love it.
This week we had interviews with President. They were really good to be able to have the Zone all be a little more Excited. Its nice to heard good things and feel pleased with things. Return and Report when things are all going somewhat well is a sweet feeling. On the other side reporting failure is painful. I can only imagine that pain that will be felt as we are Weighed and Measured for the final Judgement.
"You have been weighed and you have been Measured and you have bee found wanting"
What a terrible thought. I would just hope that we can all feel confidence in our actions we can all do a little better.
We had a few baptisms in the Zone this week and I was able to do another interview. Those moments are so Sweet. I just was reminded how much Joy their is in Heaven for Righteousness the Spirit testifies so Strongly.
The work this week was rough as far as our sector we had lots to do in the other Elders sector being that they had to prepare for Yesterdays Baptism and one of us Had to be there with them while the other was in the house until yesterday when they went to church and the Baptism together. This week we Hope for a little TLC in our area to make the Vineyard grow. Especially the Fam Rosales and Sanhueza.
Ephesians 4:
31 Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor,and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice:
32 And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.
During this week I really tried to have a lot more Charity in my heart and forgive quickly and ask forgiveness even when I felt it was not my error. It was a really week of growth and Progress.
I hope you all have a great week I love the mission Its becoming such a habit to speak with everyone around me and share the Gospel I love it.
Love Elder Biesinger
January 26, 2016
Well hey everyone! real quick there is so much to tell ya!
So Crazy week!
We are still teaching the Familia Rosales Rivas they are coming along but its slow we have hit a weird barrier called summer vacations...
But we found a family that has been inactive for seven years but before that they lived in the south and were active leaders. Their son is not a member but they totally showed up to church like a huge surprise! they stayed all three hours as well. So that was really cool. They seem to be really great people I'm excited to get to know them more and I hope that they can revive their testimonies and fix some goals of the temple. The Familia Sanhueza
We had zone meeting this week it went pretty well. Its crazy how fast the time goes by. As a mission we are putting some big goals for the year based on numbers we will see what happens! Ha yeah based on numbers I mean statistics.. Obviously I'm talking about peoples salvation and the opportunity for them to come unto Christ.
On Wednesday we had the World Wide Mission Conference. It was really good. We watched it with five Zones. It was an enjoyable time we really were able to see that the Missions revelation was in line with the Apostles teachings. Good Goals to always rely on being an instrument of the Spirit.
On Thursday night we got a call from Hna Díaz saying that we would have to take medicine to an Elder that was in a bad way. (in the zone leaders pension there is extra medication for emergencies) so we headed out of the house about 10:50 an night when she called we were already changed so we felt like throwing on some Jeans would be more invisible and was the right thing to do. We rolled out. We got there about 11:25 the Hna Díaz called and said they were on their way with her son because they thought the Elder had Appendices. It was kinda apparent when I saw Elder Veloso that he was not okay.. About an hour later They got there (about 12:20) We got Elder Veloso in the car and all of us got in The Hna Díaz drove with Gabriel her son up front. they took me and my comp back to the center and we had to from there get a colectivo that takes us back to the other side of the city to our house while the took Elder Veloso to the Hospital in Viña.
Walking through the center of the city here on a Thursday night is not a peaceful event. All the Clubs are open and It was basically Sodden and Gomorrah (idk how to spell those in English) I was very glad not to be in normal missionary clothes as we had to walk through groups of People at one in the morning to get home.. hahah We made it safe and sound though. The next day they brought Elder Almeida to us while Elder Veloso stayed in the Hospital and was operated. Then Saturday they brought him to our house with some Extra mattresses and now the two of them are staying with us for a week or so while he recovers because he cant walk much so we take turns staying with him while the Other two go out and keep working.. ha sometimes we are have to go to their area as well which is aways away but its not all that bad. Its a pretty unique experience.
Anyways it was a good week!
Love you guys! have a great time!
Remember the Spirit is in the Details and
the details of our live depend on our desires to keep the commandments real the scriptures daily and pray always!
Also fyi I totally watched the video of the Surgery what a crazy deal!
Love Elder Biesinger
The Zone |
Surgery Elder |
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Happy Birthday Joe |
Happy Birthday Josh |
Happy Birthday Brothers!!! Love you Guys! Joe and Josh
January 18, 2016
Hey People!
So lets talk about Tan Lines.. ha like for real. SO BURNT: (even though i use about a gallon of Sun Block a week.)
So its been really Hot like if you look on any weather app about the temperature here in Quilpue DON'T BELIEVE IT its a LIE. It normally says like in the 80s but its gotta be like high 90s The sweat gathers up on your eye brows and you flip in on the ground and with in 25 seconds it is all evaporated.. ha The City of the Sun lives up to its name!
We had leader Council this week it was pretty fun! putting new goals trying to find one New investigator per day. Big Goals but its a leaders job to Give the example and make people want to participate so we have been working really hard (like always) just now with a vision slightly different that we can sort through all the people to find the right ones. Basically the same thing as always just with a new idea.
I feel like its been awhile since I've talked about contacts but its cause its all about the same..
But the Family Rosales Rivas is doing okay We just need to be able to teach the whole fam. We have most contact with Jimena and she is Gold she had her tumor removed and is doing better but if you could just have them all in your prayers so that they can make the decision on their own. She is about recovered to the point of being able to be baptised. But their names are Jimena (mama) Francisco (papa) Francisco (hijo 25) Emannuel (hijo 22) Carolina (hija 23) Maitte (Hija de francisco hijo 9) That would be alot of help to have them in your prayers and that
we can be put in contact of those that are prepared.
Ha the other day we got on the bus and these two guys got on the bus with this speaker and they asked for Three words one of them asked me so I said "Superman" they then preceded to do a improv freestyle rap on the bus It was pretty entertaining they even invited people to read the Book of Mormon. Ha being nice and playing into people pays off.
Anyways It was a great week! Love you Guys!
Elder Biesinger
January 11, 2016
Hey hey
So its been another good week! Pretty fast it was week 6 so that means that Changes are this week I assume that my comp and I will be staying put. But there could be any surprise.
So this week we had the Baptism for Jimena Rivas planned on Tuesday because she wanted to be baptised before her operation which was going to be Wednesday to Thursday in the hospital to take a tumor out. Everything was ready and on Monday we were going to have the Interview. But It just felt weird that's why I didn't say much about it last week.. Anyways she called us and no one from her family was going to be able to attend her Baptism so we decided, all of us, that it was not going to work. She had her operation and is just fine, but now she has to recover. We will see what happens with her and her family she still knows she needs to be baptized, it's just really hard to teach the family because they are almost never all together... They have however had all kinds of Dreams and answers that these things are true even a dream that the son received the Holy Ghost and could just feel Joy.
Anyway it was a cool week the Zone is good today three of our Zone are finishing their missions. Including my buddy over the last Year Elder Herrera. And my Bro Comp Elder Draney. It was a good change.
The other night I woke up to my comp and I having a full blown conversation in our sleep... ha the heat sometimes doesn't let us sleep to good.
Anyways something that I find so important in this time is Our relation with the Spirit. The spirit gives us all blessings and brings us to God. We should have our prayers guided by the spirit to guide our day and our decisions. I love you all a lot and pray that you can have the Spirit with you to lead and guide and Protect you.
Love Elder Biesinger
January 4, 2016
¡Feliz Año Nuevo!
Bueno amigos y family I hope that you all had a great new years and that you were all able to enjoy the vacations!
This week was awesome but really I'm so Short on time once again its the first of the month and some of the Info that we have to send never came through so we have got to format it real quick!
So Quick download! For new years eve we went to ANIBAL PINTO B where i started my mission! ha yeah with my very first Chilean mom and Brothers! It was awesome! We got permission to have a few missionaries be there because a bunch of us started in Anibal Pinto and the Hermana Marcela is like our mom down here! So we just had to be in the house by 11 Pm.
It was a blast ill send pictures!
Also we had some experiences that were really cool where the spirit was so strong that i will have to tell you about one day.
We went to the hospital to Give a Less Active sister a blessing from another Zone that we had never met. It was a really Cool Experience that I wont be forgetting. Nothing to crazy but just very confirming that what we are doing is the best.
I am so Glad to be here sometimes I have to correct myself and I have done that.
In Spanish its Heart Soul Mind and Strength!
Serving with the last two can be easy just be smart and diligent but the Soul can be harder and the Heart is what God Asks for. But it is also where the Treasure is. When we Give God our heart He opens the Treasure Box!
Love you Guys!
Have a great week and Year!
Elder Biesinger!
December 28, 2015
Hey everyone!
So what a good week and such a good thing to be able to see my fam on Skype! Hello to all the rest of my family and friends I love and miss you all.
So just a real quick weekly recap we had a good Christmas some people invited us to eat dinner on the 24th (Luis and Maria de los Angeles) he is the Bishops nephew and his wife is catholic we also got to spend some time with other people and some of the missionaries on Tuesday.
So cool story the other day we were just doing missionary stuff and we contacted a guy in the street and he was from Cuba. Long story short I learned a lot about Cuba and The USA being that this guy is a personal friend of the Castros he even had Raul's Watch on... ha yeah Its for real like if you were there you would not doubt the stray. He gave us his card he is a professional Artist.
Also yesterday we went to go by an Investigator who my comp and The Elder Before me had started teaching three weeks before I got here when I showed up With Elder Mac he was kinda upset actually really mad because the other Elder had left and he is kinda opinionated he wouldn't really let us talk and said that a teacher should be with their students for more time... Anyways yesterday we went back by with the goal of being humble hahaha (lots of inside jokes) and he came out with a JW translation of the Scriptures. and said that he had made his choice. All of a sudden a JW showed up and started talking long story short he would not let us leave and just kept arguing we just sat and listened then tried to testify and teach simple. But he would not let us talk.... One of the best lines was the following. Us (They were immortal in the Garden us eden) Him (No they were not even the animals died, where does it say the animals didn't die?) Us (where does it say they did?) Him (........ good question) Us (Thats why we need and have Prophets). It was honestly not that fun but the good thing is that in the end the investigator invited us to come back another day.
Well my time is Short but i just wanna say that this week I'm Ponderizing one of my favorite Scriptures. It is repeated in many places but I personally like this one most because of the second Verse. Luke 12:31-32.
Put God First and he will feel pleased to give you the Kingdom.
Love you Guys
Elder Biesinger
So what a good week and such a good thing to be able to see my fam on Skype! Hello to all the rest of my family and friends I love and miss you all.
So just a real quick weekly recap we had a good Christmas some people invited us to eat dinner on the 24th (Luis and Maria de los Angeles) he is the Bishops nephew and his wife is catholic we also got to spend some time with other people and some of the missionaries on Tuesday.
So cool story the other day we were just doing missionary stuff and we contacted a guy in the street and he was from Cuba. Long story short I learned a lot about Cuba and The USA being that this guy is a personal friend of the Castros he even had Raul's Watch on... ha yeah Its for real like if you were there you would not doubt the stray. He gave us his card he is a professional Artist.
Also yesterday we went to go by an Investigator who my comp and The Elder Before me had started teaching three weeks before I got here when I showed up With Elder Mac he was kinda upset actually really mad because the other Elder had left and he is kinda opinionated he wouldn't really let us talk and said that a teacher should be with their students for more time... Anyways yesterday we went back by with the goal of being humble hahaha (lots of inside jokes) and he came out with a JW translation of the Scriptures. and said that he had made his choice. All of a sudden a JW showed up and started talking long story short he would not let us leave and just kept arguing we just sat and listened then tried to testify and teach simple. But he would not let us talk.... One of the best lines was the following. Us (They were immortal in the Garden us eden) Him (No they were not even the animals died, where does it say the animals didn't die?) Us (where does it say they did?) Him (........ good question) Us (Thats why we need and have Prophets). It was honestly not that fun but the good thing is that in the end the investigator invited us to come back another day.
Well my time is Short but i just wanna say that this week I'm Ponderizing one of my favorite Scriptures. It is repeated in many places but I personally like this one most because of the second Verse. Luke 12:31-32.
Put God First and he will feel pleased to give you the Kingdom.
Love you Guys
Elder Biesinger
Merry Christmas |
Familia Santik Christmas day lunch |
The dog that bit me |
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