Wednesday, July 1, 2015

June 22, 2015 letter


¡Vamos una semana mas que rápido que pasa el tiempo!

So this week was good a little challenging with all that's going on, and a few compromises that were not completed. (people didn't come to church that we were waiting for) Sometimes it makes me really anxious but I need to learn more patients so that's my goal of the week I have noticed that lately I've had kinda a short fuse and that doesn't help to much so that's gotta go this week too. ha. 

Anyways.. the week went well! 

The Daughter of the Family Serain was baptized, they are the Family of recent converts that moved here from Peru and then found Elder Gomez and I. The daughter turned 8 and wanted to be baptised we helped the Dad a little it was his first experience, and also we are trying to teach his parents and brother who are not members. That would be really cool.

Also we went to a part of our area where we had never been before a really steep part of the hill that is kinda far away to look for some people that we had on our list. It was quite the morning. It is fascinating to me the creativity of home building.. ha Any ways as we were walking there was a crazy guy that started screaming 5 to 0. 5 to 0 Chile beat Bolivia 5 to 0. I looked at him and said "oh ya que Bacan" (how cool) Vamos Chile! and he stopped with a really disappointed look on his face and said wait you're not Bolivian? ha we had a good laugh. Maybe you don't understand but I don't really look Bolivian at all. so The dude had to have been a little drugged. Anyways there are always things that happen everyday that make me laugh but I think that was the best one of the week. 

My invitation for this letter is that everyone reads the following Scriptures!

1. Helaman 13:38
2. Mormon 2:13

Think about it if you are looking for happiness in things of the world you will only end up miserable. The Lord will only let  your happiness last so long and then just like the Nephites you and your happiness will be destroyed hundreds of thousands at a time. Now everyone should read Alma 36:18 
The first thing that Alma says is as my mind caught hold of this thought. In Spanish it says as I focused in this thought. 
Our thoughts will guide us even when we don't realize it. If we can focus our thoughts in the things that are really important we will end up where we really want to be. But if we let out thoughts wander to the gutter or to forbidden or even grey paths we will have the same future as the first two scriptures. 

Love you all! I really love the mission and Chile! 

Les echo de menos pero estoy feliz y disfruto cada dia de la mision. Es la mejor cosa que puedo hacer! 


Elder Biesinger

Baptism of  Nayeli Serain Cami

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