So I am doing very well. So far I have been loving it here. Let me fill you in on my week. Day one: I walked in and I don't remember much. It was a insane day. they gave me more papers and books then I know what to do with. I honestly don't remember what happened that day.
Day two: Thursday I was called as district leader. I love my district. There are 9 on us one of the Hermanas (sisters) Didn't show up so we have three in a companionship. Hermana Boyed is from Seattle area Washington she is about 5' 10" and 125 pounds. She works hard and is a lot of fun. She is serving in Vina. Hermana Lyons is from Reno and reminds me of Angie Biesinger, she is great! She is serving in Conception Chile. Hermana Medina is from (the LA area). She is Latin American and is very confident. She is serving in Quito Ecuador. Elder Bond is one of the greatest guys he is From north Ogden and is a great guy. He is athletic and has a great spirit about him. Serving in Vina also he is in my residence room. His companion Elder Fotheringham from holiday is the hardest one to figure out he is quiet but very confident kinda cocky. He is nice and we all get along though. Serving in Vina. Elder Hess is from Henderson Nevada but only lived there for 6 months before that he was in Wisconsin. (I can't spell my brain is to boggled form espanol). Elder Hess is very smart he is very good at math and chemistry he tutored an advanced calculus class as a freshman, and yet he also is an athletic and hard working guy. Serving in Quito Ecuador.(If he gets his Visa) Which is sad for us Vina Del mars. His Companion Elder Durrant is awesome. He is a basketball player from cottonwood. He reminds me exactly of Josh Searle in everything. His looks and everything he does and says. He really has a strong testimony and I will miss having him around because he will be serving in Conception. My Companion Elder Lemley like i mentioned Before is Becky Nelsons little brother. He has the same red hair and everything. He is a Lacrosse player from Orem and the nicest guy you will ever meet. We get along well and have not had any problems. He is somewhat quiet and gets down on himself but I and the rest of the district pick him back up and everything is fine. We are really coming together as a district as a whole. But basically Thursday was just a bunch more orientation.
Day Three: Friday we taught our first role play investigator we didn't know him but it turns out he is one of our teachers Hermano Thatcher and sometime this week will be in class with us. The lesson was very hard. We hardly knew any spanish and it was very rocky but we shared what we thought we wanted and could. I could feel the spirit a lot in me as i was speaking a language i didn't know. It was an awesome experience. Our other assigned teacher is Hermano Rowely and I love him. He is a great guy. He is Latin American and is the greatest teacher. He sincerely loves the gospel and is truly converted. Friday we also had gym and is was a huge relief. I wish i could include every detail about everything but there is just to much that happens when you wake up at 5:45 and go to bed at 10:30.
Day four: Saturday was just a normal class day. We have class from 7 - 7:45 then breakfast until 8:35 then back to class for study and language till 11:25 when we either have planning sessions a TALL program computer lab or just personal study. At 12:25 we eat lunch. And no Jake I have not tried the orange Juice because luckily my zone warned me. But the food is either amazing or not that good. But esta bien. (its all good). After lunch I pick up Mail everyday as district leader. then we go to class or teach our investigators. Do personal study and language study. Until dinner at 5:25. After dinner I pick up mail again everyday. So yes i love getting mail being that I have to get everyone twice a day. The depending on the day we have class or gym until 9:30 10:15 is personal quiet time and then bed at 10:30. I'll send a picture of my schedule next week its pretty intense.
Day Five: Sunday was awesome i had a super great and spiritual day which was exactly what i needed we had a very up lifting devotional and then watched a filmed talk of Elder Bendar called the Character of Christ. it was amazing and that is when I really started loving it.
Day six: Monday was just another class day that was just normal nothing that i want to waste time on. haha sorry. But i did get close to the Elders in my Zone that day it was good!
Day Seven: Tuesday which was yesterday was amazing. It started off just a normal day but the Devotional was Elder Richard G. Scott. He came and talked to us about prayer and I left feeling like a giant. He blessed us that we would learn our language and told us that Heavenly father sent us here to succeed and not to fail. It reminded me of the Greatest salesman. We then had a devotional as a district and we really are a family now. I love it here.
Today has been great we went to the temple did a session then had a celestial temple breakfast. The food there dominates the food here. I don't have a lot of time left but i Love all of you ill right you tonight.
Love Elder Biesinger
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